IEEE-HKN: Nu Chapter, est. 1916

About the HKN Association
The Eta Kappa Nu Association is the International Honor Society for Electrical and Computer Engineers. There are approximately 200 chapters and 175,000 members in the United States, Europe, and Asia. Members are elected primarily from the junior and senior classes of accredited undergraduate programs. However, graduate students and distinguished professional engineers are also eligible. Eligibility depends on indicators that a candidate will be or is a success in their professional career. These indicators include evidence of scholarship, personal character, useful voluntary services, and distinguished accomplishments. For undergraduate students eligibility depends largely on their records established during the first two or three years in college.
Eta Kappa Nu has a broader purpose than merely to award scholastic distinction. Another aim is to assist its members throughout their lives in becoming better professionals and citizens. Members are to be a constructive force, helping members and non-members to improve the standards of the profession, the courses of instruction, and the institutions where a chapter is established in general. Chapter carries out these ideals in the manner best fitted to its individual needs and opportunities. An international organization that is elected by the chapters exercises general supervision and correlates the efforts of these groups. The “Bridge”, the society’s international quarterly magazine, keeps the members informed of activities and provides contact between graduates and undergraduates.