With IEEE being the largest professional society in the world and with HKN being a global organization, there are a ton of upcoming opportunities to take advantage of! Upcoming events will be posted below, so be sure to check back periodically!

Interested in aerospace and electronic systems engineering and need financial assistance with your program? If you are an undergraduate studying electrical engineering or a graduate studying systems engineering, apply for this scholarship opportunity from the IEEE Aerospace & Electronic Systems Society! The application is due on December 1st, 2021 – the following link has more information about eligibility, application materials, and the document for the application itself: https://ieee-aess.org/membership/awards/aess-scholarship

Interested in microwave and RF and have a project or thesis in mind? If you have more than a semester left of your BS or MS electrical engineering program, apply for the scholarship now! The application is due on October 15th 2021 – check out the link for more information about eligibility, application materials, and the submission portal: https://mtt.org/students/

The HKN Student Leadership Conference is back with a grad school/company recruitment fair, professional and technical development sessions, and keynotes from HKN members like Steve Wozniak! There will also be opportunities to network with HKN members from around the world. Register by Sep. 18th to get the early bird rate of $5! https://hkn.ieee.org/get-involved/2021-student-leadership-conference/

Interested in getting recognized for your student leadership in your IEEE Student Branch or IEEE Computer Society Student Branch? Then apply for the IEEE Computer Society Richard E. Merwin Scholarship! Both undergraduate and graduate students are eligible to apply by Sep. 30th and dozens of up to $1000 scholarships are available. Find our more information on applying here: https://www.computer.org/volunteering/awards/scholarships/merwin

IEEE IMS Webinar: Autonomous Driving in 2021 – Challenges, Progress, and Recent Advances with Dr. Watzenig’s Webinar
Registration is completely free and limited to the first 100 registrants per event. In the case you are unable to register, you can also attend the webinar concurrently via Facebook Live, or access the webinar recording following the event. Webinars are 60-minutes long, including 15 minutes for Q&A. https://ieee-ims.org/vdl-series-2021-fall

Are you a new or returning graduate student? Are you looking for tips and advice on how to succeed in your graduate program? HKN, alongside Tufts University, has designed the seminar series for you! Register for the first Session of Grad Lab on Tuesday 9/21/2021 at 5pm CST/6pm ET!
Grad Lab, with Tuft’s Engineering Dean of Graduate Studies Karen Panetta, is a place to give graduate students useful knowledge they won’t receive in the classroom. Grad Lab will return each month so stay tuned to see future exciting topics! Grad Lab is open to all students, not just HKN members.
Registration Link: https://tufts.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_-yNiqnAWTwmSC0MfPI74KA

ECpE Friday Activities at Noon (FAN) club is back with a session on Microwave Nondestructive Testing! Come learn about this growing research field and about the paid undergraduate research opportunities in this area at the Center for Nondestructive Evaluation! This event will be held on 9/17/2021 from 12pm to 1pm with a talk every 15 minutes in Coover 1213. Free pizza will be provided! https://www.ece.iastate.edu/seminars-and-events/ecpe-fan-club-microwave-nondestructive-testing-ndt-techniques-applications-and-legacy/

Get in on the excitement: IBM Z Day is 24 hours across Sep. 14th and 15th of tech skill-building, exploring technical case studies, and discovering how anyone can build their career path to incorporate IBM Z. The free and virtual event includes 27 student sessions over two days for a total of 24 total hours of content. The broader event includes five tracks, 75 sessions, and 100+ speakers. Register here: http://ibm.biz/z-day-ieee-hkn