Your support allows us to grow our impact in our department, on our campus, and in our community.
What can HKN do for your company or organization?
Act as a gateway between your company and Iowa State Students:
- HKN has hosted numerous company talks ranging from formal recruitment/informational sessions to casual meet & greet events
- Events can be open to HKN members, the ECpE Department, or the entire College of Engineering
- Advertisement and other logistics can all be handled by HKN
Examples of previous company paired events:
- Programming competitions
- Technical talks
- Career Fair Recruitment Sessions
- Mock Interviews
- New Member Initiation Banquets
Working with HKN means access to some of the brightest minds in the Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, and Computer Science departments. If you are interested in working with us or would like more information, please contact us via email at
We offer donation levels for both organizations and individuals. All benefits shown below stack and gifts can be made via check or online through the ISU foundation. Tax deductible donations must be made through the ISU foundation. Instructions for both methods are provided below.

Donate By Check
Checks should be made out to “IEEE-HKN Nu Chapter” and can be mailed to the following address:
IEEE-HKN Nu Chapter
Attn: Jonathan Tan
2215 Coover Hall
2520 Osborn Drive
Ames, IA 50011-1046
Donate Online
Donations can also be made online through the ISU Foundation:
To ensure that the ISU Foundation routes your gift directly to HKN, select the option “I want to choose where my gift is designated”, and in the popup window select the only option under “Support a Different Area.” Lastly, in the Notes and Instructions area specifically state that you would like the gift to go to IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu.