Since we were elected in Spring of 2020, the 2020-2021 officer team has been hard at work preparing for a successful school year! Check out our social media pages and look for future news stories to learn more about what we’ve been working on!
Officer Profiles:
Evan McKinney: President
Inducted: Spring 2019
Major: Computer Engineering and Physics with a minor in Math
Career Goals: “My dream is to work in academics as a professor. I am interested in research fields involving quantum computing architecture and complexity.”
2020-2021 Outlooks: “I am looking forward to seeing how our chapter members respond to the many changes we have been working on this summer. I am also looking forward to classes resuming with fingers crossed the virus will not worsen as the semester progresses.”

Felipe Varela-Carvalho: Vice President
Inducted: Fall 2018
Major: Electrical Engineering
Career Goals: “My current goal is to complete my Bachelor’s and get accepted into a Master science with a focus in Signals and Systems or machine learning. I plan on working with the development and research of new technologies.”
2020-2021 Outlooks: “I am very excited with the current changes that we are currently doing with the Iowa State HKN chapter. Lots of new and exciting things are happening in the chapter and I cannot wait to see the outcomes of it.”

Joshua Welton: Treasurer
Inducted: Fall 2018
Major: Electrical Engineering
Career Goals: “My goals are to be accepted into the Masters of Science graduate program for Electrical Engineering and specialize in systems and controls. After that I would like to build a career around that area.”
Favorite Part of HKN: “My favorite part of HKN is building a welcoming community with my fellow members, one that gives us a chance to socialize and give back to the ECpE department.”

Zacharias Komodromos: Secretary
Inducted: Fall 2018
Major: Electrical Engineering
Career Goals: “My goal is to attend Graduate School for Electrical Engineering with an emphasis on Communication Systems. After that, I hope to involve myself in research in the area and enroll in a Doctoral program in order to ensure I keep working in research. “
Favorite Part of HKN: “My favourite part of HKN is the different ways it facilitates support for students in ECpE. Both having the Help Room as a resource for help in my understanding and an opportunity for myself to help others is an essential part of HKN.”

Conner Makoben: Initiation Chair
Inducted: Fall 2018
Major: Electrical Engineering
Career Goals: “My current career goals are to complete my bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering and obtain a career working with power systems. Eventually I would hope to someday be able to work with renewable energy such as solar or wind.”
Favorite Part of HKN: “My favorite part about HKN is that it allows for me to reach out and meet a lot of new people that might be taking similar classes as me or who I come by frequently on campus. This allows for me to meet some good people who otherwise may have just been strangers to me through my college career.”

Andrew Frank: Service/Social Chair
Inducted: Spring 2020
Major: Computer Engineering with minors in Music Technology and Energy Systems
Career Goals: “I want to go into the renewable energy field to create and improve new renewable systems.”
Favorite Part of HKN: “My favorite part about being in HKN is getting to take part in a community of educated and driven people. I get to learn and grow from lots of different passions.”

Cole Weitzel: Mentorship Chair
Inducted: Spring 2018
Major: Computer Engineering
Career Goals: “I want to work at John Deere or a similar company. Since I have a farming background, I would love to integrate my knowledge of technology with farm equipment.”
Favorite Part of HKN: “My favorite part about HKN is getting to know new people and learn from them. I have enjoyed working in the help room and sharing my knowledge with other students.”

Katelyn Brinker: PR/Website Chair
Inducted: Spring 2016 to Gamma Theta
Major: PhD Student in Electrical Engineering
Career Goals: “I hope to work as a researcher at NASA when I finish my PhD. I’m currently a Pathways Intern with NASA Goddard and plan to convert to full time after finishing my degree. “
Favorite Part of HKN: “My favorite part about HKN is having a platform to create new initiatives and give back to my department, campus, and community. I also really love getting to teach technical skill building workshops on topics like Matlab and PCB design.”